"...I have a bachelors degree in Mass Communications from Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok. I am a member of the Somprasong 4 Church of Christ here in Bangkok. I became a Christian seven years ago through the efforts of Thai missionaries. Now, I am working with the Ramkhamhaeng Campus Ministry. I am studying and teaching the Bible, teaching English to my friends, and forming relationships with as many people as I can. I would like to tell the Thai people about the good news and share Christ's life with those who don't know our savior, as well as with those who do. I currently feel ill prepared for the great commission. Although there are many people in Thailand who are qualified to help me in my preparation, they are already very busy doing God's work in other areas. I feel that the best place for me to study God's Word is at Sunset International Bible Institute in Lubbock, Texas. I have heard great things about Sunset from the brethren who have trained to work in Thailand. They are excellent examples of people following God's will. I know that there are many good teachers who have been studying the Word for a long time. I believe that they can teach, lead, and share the Word with me as I seek to work in this mission. When I am finished my time at Sunset, I plan to spend my time with the brethren in the churches of Thailand. I will help to build them up and evangelize to the rest of the Thai people. In the past, when I have gone to visit the churches in the provinces outside of Bangkok, I have seen the need for knowledgeable teachers. I would like to be one of the preachers who can lead them in the Way. Eventually, I would like to start a new campus ministry in a province of Thailand. I have seen firsthand the good that they can do and would like to share the benefits of a Christian Center with others."
http://www.public.usit.net/driggs/whatisch.htm You should know that--
* God is the giver of life (Acts 17:25)
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